Current dividend yield | 7.5 % |
Dividendenrendite 5 Jahre | 8.21 % |
Dividend Yield 10Y | 4.11 % |
Payout 3Y | 3.46 % |
The Daldrup & Söhne stock dividend is paid once a year. In order to receive a dividend, you should generally own the Daldrup & Söhne stock before the ex-dividend date. The Dividend Calendar shows that the ex-day date was last at . The dividend from Daldrup & Söhne was paid in August.
Year | Dividend | Ex-day & Payday |
Frequency | |
Fiscal Year | Dividend per Share | Ex-Day | Payday | Payment frequency |
2014 |
Jul 25 2014
Jul 25 2014
Aug 29 2014
Jul 25 14
Aug 29 14 |
Aug 29 2014 |
2011 |
Jul 15 2011
Jul 15 2011
Jul 15 2011
Jul 15 11
Jul 15 11 |
Jul 15 2011 |
Daldrup & Söhne paid a Dividend of €0.00 Per Share in the financial year 2023. With a stock price of €9.56 at Dec 12 2024, the current dividend yield is 0.00% (calculation: €0.00 / €9.56 = 0.00%). No special dividend was paid.
The average Daldrup & Söhne dividend yield over the last 5 years is 0.00% and the average over the last 10 years is 0.14%.
The payout ratio of Daldrup & Söhne in relation to the last financial year is 0.00%. The payout ratio smoothed over 3 years is 0.00%. The calculation is based on the sum of all dividend payments divided by the cumulative earnings per share(EPS).
Metric | Daldrup & Söhne |
Current dividend yield | 0.00% |
Dividend Yield 5Y | 0.00% |
Dividend Yield 10Y | 0.14% |
Payout 1Y | 0.00% |
Payout 3Y | 0.00% |
Daldrup & Söhne has been paying a dividend for 0 years and has not lowered the dividend for 0 years (dividend continuity). As a result, the dividend was not increased recently.
Metric | Daldrup & Söhne |
Increased | 0 Years |
Continuity | 0 Years |
Paid | 0 Years |
Daldrup & Söhne has been paying a dividend for 0 years and has not lowered the dividend for 0 years (dividend continuity). As a result, the dividend was not increased recently.
On the stock exchange, the Daldrup & Söhne stock (ISIN: DE0007830572) is not traded as a top scorer in December 2024 according to the dividend strategy.
The stock price of Daldrup & Söhne 4.60% has risen since the beginning of the year 2024. However, the return generated in the past says nothing about the future return. You can find the Daldrup & Söhne stock price in real time at the top of the page.
Daldrup & Söhne (symbol: 4DS) is valued at a Price / Earnings Ratio (P/E ratio) of 26.31 and a price/sales ratio (P/S ratio) of 0.97 valued. Based on analyst estimates, the Daldrup & Söhne stock forecast 2024 of the current financial year corresponds to a valuation of 18.04 according to P/E ratio and 1.26 according to P/S.
Metric | Daldrup & Söhne |
Dividend Score | ??/15 |
Performance 2024 |
P/E TTM | 26.31 |
P/S TTM | 0.97 |
P/E forward | 18.04 |
P/S forward | 1.26 |
Daldrup & Söhne (symbol: 4DS) is valued at a Price / Earnings Ratio (P/E ratio) of 26.31 and a price/sales ratio (P/S ratio) of 0.97 valued. Based on analyst estimates, the Daldrup & Söhne stock forecast 2024 of the current financial year corresponds to a valuation of 18.04 according to P/E ratio and 1.26 according to P/S.
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