Current dividend yield | 9.38 % |
Dividendenrendite 5 Jahre | 7.03 % |
Dividend Yield 10Y | 2.12 % |
Payout 3Y | 3.1 % |
The Mostostal Zabrze stock dividend is paid once a year. In order to receive a dividend, you should generally own the Mostostal Zabrze stock before the ex-dividend date. The Dividend Calendar shows that the ex-day date was last at . The dividend from Mostostal Zabrze was paid in September.
Year | Dividend | Ex-day & Payday |
Frequency | |
Fiscal Year | Dividend per Share | Ex-Day | Payday | Payment frequency |
2015 |
Aug 31 2015
Aug 31 2015
Sep 15 2015
Aug 31 15
Sep 15 15 |
Sep 15 2015 |
2011 |
Aug 30 2011
Aug 30 2011
Sep 15 2011
Aug 30 11
Sep 15 11 |
Sep 15 2011 |
2000 |
Aug 28 2000
Aug 28 2000
Sep 15 2000
Aug 28 00
Sep 15 00 |
Sep 15 2000 |
1999 |
Jul 19 1999
Jul 19 1999
Sep 09 1999
Jul 19 99
Sep 09 99 |
Sep 09 1999 |
Mostostal Zabrze paid a Dividend of PLN0.00 Per Share in the financial year 2023. With a stock price of PLN5.19 at Dec 27 2024, the current dividend yield is 0.00% (calculation: PLN0.00 / PLN5.19 = 0.00%). No special dividend was paid.
The average Mostostal Zabrze dividend yield over the last 5 years is 0.00% and the average over the last 10 years is 0.46%.
The payout ratio of Mostostal Zabrze in relation to the last financial year is 0.00%. The payout ratio smoothed over 3 years is 0.00%. The calculation is based on the sum of all dividend payments divided by the cumulative earnings per share(EPS).
Metric | Mostostal Zabrze |
Current dividend yield | 0.00% |
Dividend Yield 5Y | 0.00% |
Dividend Yield 10Y | 0.46% |
Payout 1Y | 0.00% |
Payout 3Y | 0.00% |
Mostostal Zabrze has been paying a dividend for 0 years and has not lowered the dividend for 0 years (dividend continuity). As a result, the dividend was not increased recently.
Metric | Mostostal Zabrze |
Increased | 0 Years |
Continuity | 0 Years |
Paid | 0 Years |
Mostostal Zabrze has been paying a dividend for 0 years and has not lowered the dividend for 0 years (dividend continuity). As a result, the dividend was not increased recently.
On the stock exchange, the Mostostal Zabrze stock (ISIN: LU2910446546) is not traded as a top scorer in December 2024 according to the dividend strategy.
The stock price of Mostostal Zabrze 22.55% has risen since the beginning of the year 2024. However, the return generated in the past says nothing about the future return. You can find the Mostostal Zabrze stock price in real time at the top of the page.
Mostostal Zabrze (symbol: MSZ) is valued at a Price / Earnings Ratio (P/E ratio) of 4.61 and a price/sales ratio (P/S ratio) of 0.38 valued. Based on analyst estimates, the Mostostal Zabrze stock forecast 2024 of the current financial year corresponds to a valuation of 5.77 according to P/E ratio and 0.38 according to P/S.
Metric | Mostostal Zabrze |
Dividend Score | ??/15 |
Performance 2024 |
P/E TTM | 4.61 |
P/S TTM | 0.38 |
P/E forward | 5.77 |
P/S forward | 0.38 |
Mostostal Zabrze (symbol: MSZ) is valued at a Price / Earnings Ratio (P/E ratio) of 4.61 and a price/sales ratio (P/S ratio) of 0.38 valued. Based on analyst estimates, the Mostostal Zabrze stock forecast 2024 of the current financial year corresponds to a valuation of 5.77 according to P/E ratio and 0.38 according to P/S.
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