Stock | Daily trend | Dividend Score | HGI score | Levermann Score |
A short and medium-term NYSE Composite forecast should always be treated with great caution. This is because the NYSE Composite index performance today, tomorrow, next week or 2025 depends to a large extent on the sometimes sudden changes in the political or economic news situation or market conditions. Therefore, no one can say with certainty how an index or NYSE Composite will develop in the future. Instead of relying on index forecasts, investors should consider analysts' estimates and recommendations for individual stocks. Find out more ➜
You can analyze the NYSE Composite financials of the individual stocks on the Valuation tab. There you will find all information on stock performance, valuations of NYSE Composite individual stocks (P/E, EV/FCF, P/S & EV/Sales) and analyses according to the Dividends, High-Growth-Investing and Levermann Strategy.
The NYSE Composite list by market capitalization 2025 shows the weighting by market capitalization from the previous day. The largest company of NYSE Composite is currently the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. stock, the second largest is Eli Lilly and Company and the smallest company is the Doubleline Income Solutions Fund stock.
If you sort NYSE Composite according to enterprise value, the list may look different in some cases. The three largest companies by enterprise value are JPMorgan Chase & Co., Bank of America and Goldman Sachs.
Top 3 | Marktkap. |
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. | €809b |
Eli Lilly and Company | €722b |
JPMorgan Chase & Co. | €643b |
In 2025, NYSE Composite 1113 companies have have paid a dividend so far. The companies with the highest dividend yield at NYSE Composite are currently First Republic Bank, Big Lots, Inc. and USD Partners LP. The highest dividend growth compared to the previous year was recorded by Equity Commonwealth, Wipro Limited Sponsored ADR and Mesabi Trust. The minimum requirement is 5 dividend payments in a row without a cut.
Stock | Div. Score | Market Cap. | Always increased | Never lowered | Always paid | Growth 1Y |
Growth 5Y |
Growth 10Y |
Div. Yield current Current Dividend Yield |
Div. return 5Y Dividend Yield 5Y |
Payout 3Y |