Germany's financial markets watchdog has started an initial probe to examine whether Bayer fairly disclosed plans to get shareholder approval for a potential capital increase, a regulatory source told Reuters on Tuesday.
Bayer told several brokerages about plans to seek shareholder permission to issue shares one day before formally announcing the news on Friday, which weighed heavily on the stock, analysts' notes seen by Reuters showed.
Bayer AG (ETR:BAYN, OTC:BAYZF) has told US lawmakers it may halt sales of its popular Roundup weedkiller in the United States unless stronger legal protections are implemented to protect the company from ongoing product liability lawsuits, according to a Reuters report citing a source with knowledge of the matter. The German company has already paid about $10 billion to settle claims alleging t...
Bayer said on Friday it would seek shareholder approval to raise fresh equity capital worth close to 35% of its currently outstanding shares over the next three years to be ready for any U.S. litigation settlement.
Bayer has warned U.S. lawmakers it could stop selling the popular Roundup weedkiller if they cannot provide better legal protection against product liability litigation, according to a financial analyst and a person familiar with the matter.
Der wegen teurer US-Glyphosat-Rechtsstreitigkeiten unter einer hohen Schuldenlast ächzende Pharma- und Agrarchemiekonzern Bayer DE000BAY0017 will sich von seinen Aktionären das Recht für eine große Kapitalerhöhung einräumen lassen."Während wir daran arbeiten, die Rechtsstreitigkeiten einzudämmen, befinden wir uns in einer Situation, in der wir unter Umständen schnell Kapital benötigen", schreib...
Ein Kurseinbruch hat den zuletzt guten Lauf der Bayer DE000BAY0017-Aktien am Freitag beendet.
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