Commerzbank reiterated on Friday that it will not meet with UniCredit for formal discussions until it receives a specific proposal from the Italian bank, which has ruffled feathers in Berlin with its interest in a merger.
Commerzbank-Chefin DE000CBK1001 Bettina Orlopp hat eine Einladung von Unicredit-Chef IT0005239360 Andrea Orcel zum Gespräch über eine mögliche Übernahme laut einem Pressebericht ausgeschlagen.
"The behavior of the potential acquirer was very aggressive, very opaque, untransparent," Germany's Jörg Kukies told CNBC of UniCredit's bid for Commerzbank. The move by UniCredit, which is already present in Germany through its HypoVereinsbank branch, has so far enjoyed a cool reception from the fractured Berlin government.
Commerzbank on Wednesday defined UniCredit's approach for a potential tie-up as "hostile", and said there had been no discussion of it with the Italian bank in the past two years, despite UniCredit CEO Andrea Orcel saying there had.
UniCredit chief Andrea Orcel wants to discuss a planned takeover of Commerzbank with the new German government and hopes for some clarity at the latest by the end of the year, he told German paper FAZ.
Diese Mitteilung enthält in die Zukunft gerichtete Aussagen. Dabei handelt es sich um Aussagen, die keine Tatsachen der Vergangenheit beschreiben. Solche Aussagen in dieser Mitteilung betreffen unter anderem die erwartete zukünftige Geschäftsentwicklung der Commerzbank, erwartete Effiz...
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