0.21% day before yesterday
L&S, Jun 28, 10:55 pm CET

NVIDIA Target price 2024 - Analyst rating & recommendation

NVIDIA Classifications & Recommendation:


NVIDIA Target price

Target price $128.15
Course $123.54
Price potential 3.73%
Number of estimates 54
54 Analysts have issued a price target NVIDIA 2025 . The average NVIDIA target price is $128.15. This is 3.73% higher than the current share price. The highest price target is $200.00 61.89% , the lowest is $15.00 87.86% .
A rating was issued by 61 analysts: 54 Analysts recommend NVIDIA to buy, 7 to hold and 0 to sell.
Analysts don't have a crystal ball either, but they do represent the opinion of the market quite well. You should not take the price potential and the ratings as a recommendation to act. Rather, they serve as an additional building block for your own opinion or stock analysis.
Analyst estimates: Analysts believe that the NVIDIA share has an average upside potential 2025 of 3.73% . Most analysts recommend the NVIDIA share at Purchase.

Sales and margin forecast 2025, 2026 to 2029

Jan '24 2025
Turnover Billion $ 60.92 119.94
125.85% 96.87%
EBITDA margin 56.60% 65.09%
114.39% 15.01%
Net margin 48.03% 52.49%
69.72% 9.28%

59 Analysts have issued a sales forecast NVIDIA 2025 . The average NVIDIA sales estimate is $120b . This is 50.35% higher than the turnover of the last 12 months(TTM). The highest sales forecast is $132b 65.84% , the lowest is $110b 37.26% .

This results in the following potential growth figures:

Sales forecast

2024 $60.9b 125.85%
2025 $120b 96.87%
2026 $161b 34.22%
2027 $186b 15.32%
2028 $220b 18.57%
2029 $249b 13.12%

25 Analysts have issued an NVIDIA EBITDA forecast 2025. The average NVIDIA EBITDA estimate is $78.1b . This is 58.44% higher than the EBITDA of the last 12 months(TTM). The highest EBITDA forecast is $85.6b 73.78% , the lowest is $72.3b 46.72% .

This results in the following potential growth figures and future EBITDA margins:

EBITDA forecast

2024 $34.5b 384.20%
2025 $78.1b 126.42%
2026 $106b 35.93%
2027 $126b 18.40%
2028 $113b 10.31%

EBITDA margin

2024 56.60% 114.39%
2025 65.09% 15.01%
2026 65.92% 1.28%
2027 67.68% 2.67%
2028 51.20% 24.35%

32 NVIDIA Analysts have issued a net profit forecast 2025. The average NVIDIA net profit estimate is $63.0b . This is 49.72% higher than the net profit for the last 12 months(TTM). The highest net profit forecast is $72.3b 71.87% , the lowest is $58.5b 39.18% .

This results in the following potential growth figures and future net margins:

Net profit forecast

2024 $29.3b 31.61%
2025 $63.0b 115.14%
2026 $85.8b 36.25%
2027 $102b 19.12%
2028 $112b 9.73%

Net margin

2024 48.03% 69.72%
2025 52.49% 9.28%
2026 53.28% 1.51%
2027 55.04% 3.30%
2028 50.93% 7.47%

Earnings per share, P/E ratio and EV/sales forecast 2025, 2026 to 2029

Jan '24 2025
Earnings per share $ 1.19 2.56
31.61% 115.13%
P/E ratio 48.26
EV/Sales 25.17

32 Analysts have issued a NVIDIA forecast for earnings per share. The average NVIDIA <a href=/blog/eps>EPS is $2.56 . This is 49.71% higher than earnings per share in the financial year 2024. The highest <a href=/blog/eps>EPS forecast is $2.94 71.93% , the lowest is $2.38 39.18% .

This results in the following potential growth figures and future valuations:

Earnings per share

2024 $1.19 31.61%
2025 $2.56 115.13%
2026 $3.49 36.33%
2027 $4.16 19.20%
2028 $4.56 9.62%

P/E ratio

Current 72.27 67.88%
2025 48.26 33.22%
2026 35.42 26.61%
2027 29.73 16.06%
2028 27.10 8.85%

Based on analysts' sales estimates for 2025, the NVIDIA share is valued at an <a href=/blog/ev-sales-einfach-erklaert>EV/Sales of 25.17 and an <a href=/blog/kurs-umsatz-verhaeltnis-kuv-einfach-erklaert>P/S ratio of 25.34 .

This results in the following potential growth figures and future valuations:


Current 37.84 5.78%
2025 25.17 33.48%
2026 18.75 25.49%
2027 16.26 13.29%
2028 13.71 15.66%
2029 12.12 11.60%

P/S ratio

Current 38.10 5.44%
2025 25.34 33.49%
2026 18.88 25.49%
2027 16.37 13.29%
2028 13.81 15.66%
2029 12.20 11.60%

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