2.64% day before yesterday
L&S, Jun 28, 10:54 pm CET

Polar Power, Inc. Target price 2024 - Analyst rating & recommendation

Polar Power, Inc. Classifications & Recommendation:


Polar Power, Inc. Target price

Target price $5.00
Course $0.40
Price potential
Number of estimates 1
1 Analyst has issued a Polar Power, Inc. price target 2025. The average Polar Power, Inc. target price is $5.00. This is higher than the current share price.
A rating was issued by 1 analysts: 1 Analysts recommend Polar Power, Inc. to buy, 0 to hold and 0 to sell.
Analysts don't have a crystal ball either, but they do represent the opinion of the market quite well. You should not take the price potential and the ratings as a recommendation to act. Rather, they serve as an additional building block for your own opinion or stock analysis.
Analyst estimates: Analysts believe that the Polar Power, Inc. share has an average upside potential 2025 of . Most analysts recommend the Polar Power, Inc. share at Purchase.

Sales and margin forecast 2024, 2025 & 2026

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Dec '23 2024
Turnover Million $ 15.29 16.00
4.79% 4.64%

1 Analyst has issued a sales forecast Polar Power, Inc. 2024 . The average Polar Power, Inc. sales estimate is

. This is
24.22% higher
than the turnover of the last 12 months(TTM). The highest sales forecast is
$16.0m 24.22%
, the lowest is
$16.0m 24.22%

This results in the following potential growth figures:

Sales forecast

2023 $15.3m 4.79%
$16.0m 4.64%

Earnings per share, P/E ratio and EV/sales forecast 2024, 2025 & 2026

Create a premium account to unlock analyst estimates. Learn more

Dec '23 2024
EV/Sales 0.93

Based on analysts' sales estimates for 2024, the Polar Power, Inc. share is valued at an <a href=/blog/ev-sales-einfach-erklaert>EV/Sales of

and an <a href=/blog/kurs-umsatz-verhaeltnis-kuv-einfach-erklaert>P/S ratio of .

This results in the following potential growth figures and future valuations:


Current 1.15 11.54%
0.93 18.91%

P/S ratio

Current 0.54 43.48%
0.50 8.95%

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