L&S, Jun 28, 10:54 pm CET

AMAG Share price

-0.60 2.25% 1M
-0.70 2.61% 6M
-0.60 2.25% YTD
-7.80 23.01% 1Y
-10.60 28.88% 3Y
-4.50 14.71% 5Y
+1.90 7.85% 10Y
Wien, Closing price Fri, Jun 28 2024

Key figures

Market capitalization €920.39m
Enterprise Value €1.28b
PER (TTM) P/E ratio 17.41
EV/Sales (TTM) EV/Sales 0.92
P/S ratio (TTM) P/S ratio 0.66
P/B ratio (TTM) P/B ratio 1.20
Dividend yield 5.75%
Last dividend (FY23) €1.50
Sales growth (TTM) Sales growth -19.76%
Turnover (TTM) Turnover €1.39b
EBIT (operating result TTM) EBIT €85.62m
Free cash flow (TTM) Free cash flow €81.87m
Cash position €178.20m
EPS (TTM) EPS €1.50
P/E ratio expected 16.73
P/S ratio expected 0.62
EV/Sales expected 0.86
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Analyst opinions

2 Analysts have issued a AMAG forecast:

2x Buy

Analyst opinions

2 Analysts have issued a AMAG forecast:


Financial data from AMAG

Profit and loss account P&L | Balance sheet | Cash flow

Quarter TTM Annually
Mar '24
1,390 1,390
20% 20%
- Direct costs 1,169 1,169
222 222
- Selling and administrative expenses 26 26
98% 98%
- Research and development costs 23 23
173 173
- Depreciation and amortization 87 87
EBIT (operating result) EBIT 86 86
43% 43%
Net profit 53 53
49% 49%

Figures in millions EUR.

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AMAG Share News

2 months ago
Die AMAG Austria Metall AG konnte im Vergleich zum 4. Quartal des Vorjahres eine deutliche Ergebnisverbesserung erzielen. Gegenüber dem Vorjahresvergleichsquartal Q1/2023 spiegelte sich jedoch das deutlich eingetrübtere Wirtschaftsumfeld, speziell in Europa, wider. Im Segment Metall machte sich b...
5 months ago
Im Segment Metall ist weiterhin eine hohe Produktion von Primäraluminium in der Beteiligung an der kanadischen Elektrolyse Alouette zu erwarten. Damit wird die Ergebnisentwicklung auch künftig durch die Preisentwicklungen, insbesondere für Aluminium und Rohstoffe (v.a. Tonerde und Petrolkoks) bes...
7 months ago
Priv.-Doz. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Helmut Kaufmann, Technikvorstand und designierter Vorstandsvorsitzender der AMAG Austria Metall AG: „Die Bestellung zum Vorstandsvorsitzenden der AMAG und das mir damit entgegengebrachte Vertrauen seitens des Aufsichtsrats freuen mich sehr. Es ist mein klares Ziel, dass ...
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Company profile

AMAG Austria Metall AG is a holding company, which engages in the manufacture, processing, and distribution of primary aluminium and semi-finished aluminium products such as rolled and cast aluminium products. The firm serves aluminium products for the aircraft, automotive, sports goods and equipment, lighting, mechanical engineering, construction, and packaging industry. It operates through the following divisions: Metal, Casting, Rolling, and Service. The Metal division produces and markets aluminum products; and manages metal production streams. The Casting division manufactures cast aluminum alloys from aluminum scrap. The Rolling division deals with the production of rolled aluminum products including sheets, strips, and plates. The Service division provides centralized services to operating divisions. The company was founded in 1939 and is headquartered in Ranshofen, Austria.

Head office Austria
CEO Helmut Kaufmann
Founded 1939
Website www.amag-al4u.com

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