0.30% today
Xetra, Feb 07, 05:35 pm CET

Borussia Dortmund BVB Stock price

+0.13 4.08% 1M
-0.25 6.87% 6M
+0.18 5.73% YTD
-0.30 8.16% 1Y
-1.00 23.18% 3Y
-5.13 60.72% 5Y
-0.52 13.59% 10Y
Xetra, Closing price Fri, Feb 07 2025
+0.01 0.30%

Key metrics

Market capitalization €365.35m
Enterprise Value €427.21m
P/E (TTM) P/E ratio negative
EV/Sales (TTM) EV/Sales 0.83
P/S ratio (TTM) P/S ratio 0.71
P/B ratio (TTM) P/B ratio 1.11
Dividend yield 1.81%
Last dividend (FY24) €0.06
Revenue growth (TTM) Revenue growth 23.55%
Revenue (TTM) Revenue €514.18m
EBIT (operating result TTM) EBIT €-9.29m
Free Cash Flow (TTM) Free Cash Flow €34.02m
Cash position €4.45m
EPS (TTM) EPS €-0.06
P/E forward 55.17
P/S forward 0.73
EV/Sales forward 0.86
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3x Buy

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Financial data from Borussia Dortmund BVB

Income Statement P&L | Balance Sheet | Cash Flow

Quarter TTM Annually
Sep '24
514 514
24% 24%
- Direct Costs 402 402
8% 8%
113 113
155% 155%
- Selling and Administrative Expenses 16 16
119% 119%
- Research and Development Expense - -
97 97
26% 26%
- Depreciation and Amortization 106 106
1% 1%
EBIT (Operating Income) EBIT -9.29 -9.29
136% 136%
Net Profit -6.49 -6.49
127% 127%

In millions EUR.

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Borussia Dortmund BVB Stock News

8 days ago
Niko Kovač übernimmt ab dem 02. Februar 2025 als neuer Cheftrainer beim Fußball-Bundesligisten Borussia Dortmund. Er wird bei seiner Tätigkeit durch die Assistenztrainer Robert Kovač und Filip Tapalović unterstützt. Mit allen Trainern wurde eine Vertragslaufzeit zunächst bis zum 30. Juni 2026 ve...
9 days ago
Borussia Dortmund GmbH & Co. KGaA / DE0005493092
9 days ago
Borussia Dortmund GmbH & Co. KGaA / DE0005493092
More Borussia Dortmund BVB News

Company Profile

Borussia Dortmund GmbH & Co. KGaA operates a football club and a professional football squad. It operates through the following segments: Borussia Dortmund GmbH & Co. KGaA, BVB Merchandising GmbH, BVB Event & Catering GmbH, and besttravel dortmund GmbH. The Borussia Dortmund GmbH & Co. KGaA segment manages football club including a professional football squad and includes revenue arising from transfer deals, catering, TV marketing, advertising, and match operations. The BVB Merchandising GmbH segment comprises of merchandising business. The BVB Event & Catering GmbH segment involves in conducting stadium tours; providing and arranging for event staffing services; and planning, organising, catering, steering, and conducting events of all types. The besttravel dortmund GmbH segment relates to arranging travel by air, rail and ship, as well as package tours offered to private customers by travel agents. The company was founded on December 19, 1909 and is headquartered in Dortmund, Germany.

Head office Germany
CEO Hans-Joachim Watzke
Founded 1909
Website www.borussia-aktie.de

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