0.00% today
Frankfurt, Feb 07, 08:01 am CET

Hesse Newman Stock price

+0.00 0.00% 1M
+0.00 0.00% 6M
-1.80 9.78% YTD
-28.80 63.44% 1Y
-34.40 67.45% 3Y
-38.40 69.82% 5Y
+3.80 29.69% 10Y
Frankfurt, Closing price Thu, Feb 06 2025
+0.00 0.00%

Key metrics

Market capitalization €1.66m
P/E (TTM) P/E ratio negative
P/B ratio (TTM) P/B ratio 0.71
EBIT (operating result TTM) EBIT €-291.90k

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Financial data from Hesse Newman

Income Statement P&L | Balance Sheet | Cash Flow

TTM Annually
Jun '24
- -
- Direct Costs - -
- -
- Selling and Administrative Expenses - -
- Research and Development Expense - -
- -
- Depreciation and Amortization - -
EBIT (Operating Income) EBIT -0.29 -0.29
0% 0%
Net Profit - -

In millions EUR.

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Hesse Newman Stock News

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Company Profile

Hesse Newman Capital AG operates as a capital management company, which engages in the provision of investment services. It specializes in fund and asset management, investment and trust management, portfolio management for life insurances and investment companies, purchase and sale of shares in secondary market investment companies, procurement of equity, as well as conceptualization and project planning. The company was founded by Isaac Hesse in 1777 and is headquartered in Hamburg, Germany.

Head office Germany
CEO Jens Burgemeister
Founded 1777
Website www.hesse-newman.de

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