0.00% day before yesterday
Xetra, Feb 07, 05:36 pm CET

MATERNUS-Kliniken Stock price

+0.32 22.70% 1M
+0.08 4.85% 6M
+0.37 27.21% YTD
-0.77 30.80% 1Y
-3.23 65.12% 3Y
-0.33 16.02% 5Y
+1.42 450.96% 10Y
Xetra, Closing price Fri, Feb 07 2025
+0.00 0.00%

Key metrics

Market capitalization €36.28m
Enterprise Value €220.88m
P/E (TTM) P/E ratio negative
EV/Sales (TTM) EV/Sales 2.03
P/S ratio (TTM) P/S ratio 0.33
P/B ratio (TTM) P/B ratio negative
Revenue growth (TTM) Revenue growth 6.08%
Revenue (TTM) Revenue €108.71m
EBIT (operating result TTM) EBIT €2.37m
Free Cash Flow (TTM) Free Cash Flow €5.06m
EPS (TTM) EPS €-0.33
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Financial data from MATERNUS-Kliniken

Income Statement P&L | Balance Sheet | Cash Flow

TTM Annually
Jun '24
109 109
6% 6%
- Direct Costs 100 100
1% 1%
8.30 8.30
432% 432%
- Selling and Administrative Expenses - -
- Research and Development Expense - -
12 12
530% 530%
- Depreciation and Amortization 10 10
1% 1%
EBIT (Operating Income) EBIT 2.37 2.37
118% 118%
Net Profit -6.88 -6.88
63% 63%

In millions EUR.

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MATERNUS-Kliniken Stock News

4 months ago
Weitere positive Effekte auf die Ergebnisentwicklung im Konzern hatte das in 2023 initiierte Kostensenkungsprogramm. Kosteneinsparungen ergaben sich im Energiebereich aus einer zum Jahresende 2023 verhandelten Festpreisvereinbarung, darüber hinaus durch den nur noch geringen Einsatz von Fremdarbe...
5 months ago
Der Vorstand erwartet für die Ergebniskennzahl EBITDA (Ergebnis vor Abschreibungen, Zinsen und Steuern) im Jahr 2024 nunmehr 10 bis 12 Mio.€ (bisher: moderat über dem Vorjahresniveau von 4,5 Mio. €) bei einer EBITDA-Marge (EBITDA im Verhältnis zum Konzernumsatz) von 9 bis 10 Prozent (bisher: mode...
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Company Profile

Maternus-Kliniken AG engages in the operation of senior housing facilities, nursing homes, and rehabilitation centers. It operates through the following segments: Rehabilitation, Senior Retirement Homes and Nursing Care Facilities, and Maternus AG. The Rehabilitation segment comprises follow-up treatment and rehabilitation measures in the indication areas orthopedics, behavioral orthopedics, cardiology, internal medicine, metabolic disorders, and neurology. The Senior Retirement Homes and Nursing Care Facilities segment specializes in full-station services care, short-term care, and assisted living. The Maternus AG segment provides primarily intersegmentary services. The company was founded in 1877 and is headquartered in Berlin, Germany.

Head office Germany
CEO Mario Ruano-Wohlers
Employees 1,989
Founded 1877
Website www.maternus.de

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