0.42% day before yesterday
Nasdaq, Dec 27, 10:04 pm CET

MercadoLibre Stock price

-319.29 15.62% 1M
+64.58 3.89% 6M
+153.93 9.79% YTD
+134.59 8.46% 1Y
+426.36 32.82% 3Y
+1,126.23 187.94% 5Y
+1,596.02 1,232.92% 10Y
Nasdaq, Closing price Fri, Dec 27 2024
-7.29 0.42%

Key metrics

Market capitalization $87.48b
Enterprise Value $87.53b
P/E (TTM) P/E ratio 60.87
EV/Sales (TTM) EV/Sales 4.61
P/S ratio (TTM) P/S ratio 4.61
P/B ratio (TTM) P/B ratio 21.86
Revenue growth (TTM) Revenue growth 43.63%
Revenue (TTM) Revenue $18.98b
EBIT (operating result TTM) EBIT $2.05b
Free Cash Flow (TTM) Free Cash Flow $4.02b
Cash position $7.99b
EPS (TTM) EPS $28.34
P/E forward 51.36
P/S forward 4.24
EV/Sales forward 4.24
Short interest 1.96%
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MercadoLibre Stock Analysis

Analyst Opinions

25 Analysts have issued a MercadoLibre forecast:

21x Buy
4x Hold

Analyst Opinions

25 Analysts have issued a MercadoLibre forecast:


Financial data from MercadoLibre

Income Statement P&L | Balance Sheet | Cash Flow

Quarter TTM Annually
Sep '24
18,979 18,979
44% 44%
- Direct Costs 10,196 10,196
57% 57%
8,783 8,783
31% 31%
- Selling and Administrative Expenses 4,144 4,144
43% 43%
- Research and Development Expense 2,108 2,108
43% 43%
2,531 2,531
8% 8%
- Depreciation and Amortization 480 480
15% 15%
EBIT (Operating Income) EBIT 2,051 2,051
6% 6%
Net Profit 1,437 1,437
46% 46%

In millions USD.

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MercadoLibre Stock News

The Motley Fool
one day ago
Explore the exciting world of MercadoLibre (MELI -0.42%) with our expert analysts in this Motley Fool Scoreboard episode. Check out the video below to gain valuable insights into market trends and potential investment opportunities!
Seeking Alpha
3 days ago
MercadoLibre is my top 2025 long idea due to its significant growth potential and recent stock pullback, making it an attractive buy. The company has diversified into fintech, with financial services contributing 41% of Q3 2024 revenues, enhancing its growth prospects. Despite high valuation, MercadoLibre's strong cash flow metrics and untapped market potential justify the investment, especiall...
Seeking Alpha
5 days ago
MercadoLibre's recent stock dip presents a buying opportunity, driven by strong growth in e-commerce and fintech sectors despite macroeconomic challenges in Brazil. E-commerce growth is robust, with 7 million new buyers and significant market potential, aiming for a $105 billion opportunity by 2027. Fintech division shows impressive metrics, with 35% growth in monthly active users and 93% YoY g...
More MercadoLibre News

Company Profile

MercadoLibre, Inc. engages in the provision of online commerce platform with focus on e-commerce and its related services. It operates through the following geographical segments: Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Venezuela, and Other Countries. The firm provides users a mechanism for buying, selling and paying as well as collecting, generating leads, and comparing lists through e-commerce transactions. The company was founded by Marcos Eduardo Galperin on October 15, 1999 and is headquartered in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Head office United States
CEO Marcos Galperin
Employees 58,313
Founded 1999
Website www.mercadolibre.com

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