Nasdaq, Jun 28, 10:20 pm CET

Nano X Imaging Ltd Share price

-1.15 13.55% 1M
+0.71 10.71% 6M
+0.97 15.23% YTD
-8.04 52.28% 1Y
-25.97 77.96% 3Y
-14.36 66.18% 5Y
-14.36 66.18% 10Y
Nasdaq, Closing price Fri, Jun 28 2024

Key figures

Market capitalization $424.10m
Enterprise Value $359.13m
PER (TTM) P/E ratio negative
EV/FCF (TTM) EV/FCF negative
EV/Sales (TTM) EV/Sales 35.88
P/S ratio (TTM) P/S ratio 42.37
P/B ratio (TTM) P/B ratio 2.29
Sales growth (TTM) Sales growth 8.61%
Turnover (TTM) Turnover $10.01m
EBIT (operating result TTM) EBIT $-55.33m
Free cash flow (TTM) Free cash flow $-43.81m
Cash position $73.01m
EPS (TTM) EPS $-1.08
P/E ratio expected 0.89
P/S ratio expected 27.08
EV/Sales expected 22.93
Short interest 10.47%
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Analyst opinions

3 Analysts have issued a Nano X Imaging Ltd forecast:

3x Buy

Analyst opinions

3 Analysts have issued a Nano X Imaging Ltd forecast:


Financial data from Nano X Imaging Ltd

Profit and loss account P&L | Balance sheet | Cash flow

Quarter TTM Annually
Mar '24
10 10
9% 9%
- Direct costs 17 17
9% 9%
-7.41 -7.41
8% 8%
- Selling and administrative expenses 11 11
46% 46%
- Research and development costs 25 25
4% 4%
-44 -44
19% 19%
- Depreciation and amortization 12 12
2% 2%
EBIT (operating result) EBIT -55 -55
15% 15%
Net profit -61 -61
36% 36%

Figures in millions USD.

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Nano X Imaging Ltd Share News

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PETACH TIKVA, Israel, June 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- NANO-X IMAGING LTD (“Nanox” or the “Company,” Nasdaq: NNOX), an innovative medical imaging technology company, today announced that data from five studies supporting the AI Cardiac Solution (HealthCCSng) of its subsidiary, Nanox AI, will be presented at the 19th Annual Meeting of the Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography (SCCT), be...
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Company profile

Nano-X Imaging Ltd. engages in the development of medical imaging systems. Its product Nanox System consists of hardware Nanox.ARC and software Nanox.CLOUD that provides image repository; radiologist matching; online and offline diagnostics review and annotation; connectivity to diagnostic assistive artificial intelligence systems; billing; and reporting. The company was founded by Ran Poliakine and Hitoshi Masuya on December 20, 2018 and is headquartered in Neve Ilan, Israel.

Head office Israel
CEO Erez Meltzer
Founded 2011
Website www.nanox.vision

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