0.36% yesterday
Nasdaq, Jun 26, 10:00 pm CET

Olink Holding AB (publ) - ADR Share price

+1.20 5.01% 1M
-0.01 0.04% 6M
+0.02 0.08% YTD
+7.95 46.17% 1Y
-9.83 28.09% 3Y
+5.17 25.85% 5Y
+5.17 25.85% 10Y
Nasdaq, Closing price Wed, Jun 26 2024

Key figures

Market capitalization $3.13b
Enterprise Value $3.05b
PER (TTM) P/E ratio negative
EV/FCF (TTM) EV/FCF negative
EV/Sales (TTM) EV/Sales 17.78
P/S ratio (TTM) P/S ratio 18.27
P/B ratio (TTM) P/B ratio 6.78
Sales growth (TTM) Sales growth 18.74%
Turnover (TTM) Turnover $171.34m
EBIT (operating result TTM) EBIT $-58.84m
Free cash flow (TTM) Free cash flow $-59.74m
Cash position $109.28m
EPS (TTM) EPS $-0.27
P/E ratio expected negative
P/S ratio expected 15.68
EV/Sales expected 15.26
Short interest 6.84%
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Analyst opinions

4 Analysts have issued a Olink Holding AB (publ) - ADR forecast:

4x Hold

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Financial data from Olink Holding AB (publ) - ADR

Profit and loss account P&L | Balance sheet | Cash flow

Quarter TTM Annually
Mar '24
171 171
19% 19%
- Direct costs 57 57
24% 24%
115 115
16% 16%
- Selling and administrative expenses 115 115
34% 34%
- Research and development costs 38 38
44% 44%
-39 -39
176% 176%
- Depreciation and amortization 20 20
17% 17%
EBIT (operating result) EBIT -59 -59
88% 88%
Net profit -34 -34
130% 130%

Figures in millions USD.

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Olink Holding AB (publ) - ADR Share News

16 days ago
This is a translation of the Swedish original. In case of any discrepancies between this translation and the Swedish original, the latter shall prevail.
21 days ago
UPPSALA, Sweden, June 06, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Olink Holding AB (publ) (Nasdaq: OLK) today announced the introduction of Olink Target 48 Immune Surveillance, a validated multiplexed protein assay panel that offers a detailed view of the immune system for in-depth monitoring of inflammation and immune response in clinical research.
Seeking Alpha
about one month ago
Lab Instrument and Services providers in the healthcare industry can generate high recurring revenues. Many loss-making instrument makers in the industry may not provide meaningful returns and carry high risks. Cytek stands out as the best opportunity in the sector due to strong growth and manageable losses.
More Olink Holding AB (publ) - ADR News

Company profile

Olink Holding AB engages in developing and expanding its platform of immunoassay panels for protein biomarker discovery. It enables and accelerates the field of proteomics by providing a platform of products and services, developed with key opinion leaders (KOLs), that are deployed across biopharmaceutical companies. The company was founded on December 13, 2018 and is headquartered in Uppsala, Sweden.

Head office Sweden
CEO Jon Heimer
Employees 707
Founded 2019
Website www.olink.com

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