2.59% yesterday
Nasdaq, Mar 25, 09:17 pm CET

Super Micro Computer, Inc. Stock price

-4.90 10.76% 1M
-5.18 11.30% 6M
+10.16 33.33% YTD
-63.64 61.03% 1Y
+36.44 867.85% 3Y
+38.57 1,866.13% 5Y
+37.31 1,119.69% 10Y
Nasdaq, Closing price Tue, Mar 25 2025
-1.08 2.59%

Key metrics

Market capitalization $24.12b
Enterprise Value $24.61b
P/E (TTM) P/E ratio 17.73
EV/FCF (TTM) EV/FCF negative
EV/Sales (TTM) EV/Sales 1.18
P/S ratio (TTM) P/S ratio 1.16
P/B ratio (TTM) P/B ratio 3.87
Revenue growth (TTM) Revenue growth 124.51%
Revenue (TTM) Revenue $20.77b
EBIT (operating result TTM) EBIT $1.60b
Free Cash Flow (TTM) Free Cash Flow $-2.17b
Cash position $1.43b
EPS (TTM) EPS $2.29
P/E forward 17.57
P/S forward 1.00
EV/Sales forward 1.02
Short interest 22.95%
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Super Micro Computer, Inc. Stock Analysis

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Analyst Opinions

12 Analysts have issued a Super Micro Computer, Inc. forecast:

5x Buy
5x Hold
2x Sell

Analyst Opinions

12 Analysts have issued a Super Micro Computer, Inc. forecast:


Financial data from Super Micro Computer, Inc.

Income Statement P&L | Balance Sheet | Cash Flow

Quarter TTM Annually
Dec '24
20,773 20,773
125% 125%
- Direct Costs 18,134 18,134
134% 134%
2,639 2,639
74% 74%
- Selling and Administrative Expenses 455 455
100% 100%
- Research and Development Expense 534 534
40% 40%
1,651 1,651
82% 82%
- Depreciation and Amortization 51 51
40% 40%
EBIT (Operating Income) EBIT 1,600 1,600
84% 84%
Net Profit 1,500 1,500
105% 105%

In millions USD.

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Super Micro Computer, Inc. Stock News

2 days ago
There are typically two ways that investors can express their views on a stock, which is by buying it and making a profit if prices go up (the classic buy-low-sell-high method) or through a more complex process of shorting a stock so that a profit is made if the underlying prices lower from the entry point of the investor. However, when conviction is higher than usual, there is another method t...
2 days ago
Super Micro Computer stock price remains in a bear market this year as concerns about the AI industry remains. SMCI was trading at $42 on Friday, down by about 37% from its highest point this year and 65% from its highest point in 2024.
Seeking Alpha
3 days ago
Predicting market outcomes is challenging; my recommendations are based on historical data and probabilities rather than certainties. I reviewed my 2025 picks: 67% of Buy ratings and 78% of Hold ratings delivered positive alpha, outperforming many experts. Midstream energy and covered call income funds have shown strong performance, while recent market corrections impacted some picks.
More Super Micro Computer, Inc. News

Company Profile

Super Micro Computer, Inc. manufactures servers and other computer products. The firm's products include twin solutions, MP servers, GPU and coprocessor, MicroCloud, networking, embedded, gaming, AMD solutions, power supplies, SuperServer, storage, motherboards, chassis, super workstations, accessories, SuperRack, and server management. The company was founded by Charles Liang, Yih-Shyan Liaw and Chiu-Chu Liu Liang in September 1993 and is headquartered in San Jose, CA.

Head office United States
CEO Charles Liang
Employees 5,684
Founded 1993
Website www.supermicro.com

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