0.00% day before yesterday
Xetra, Feb 07, 05:36 pm CET

Tonkens Agrar Stock price

-0.05 0.68% 1M
+0.45 6.62% 6M
-0.20 2.68% YTD
+0.50 7.41% 1Y
+2.25 45.00% 3Y
+3.13 75.97% 5Y
+0.27 3.87% 10Y
Xetra, Closing price Fri, Feb 07 2025
+0.00 0.00%

Key metrics

Market capitalization €12.03m
Enterprise Value €26.64m
P/E (TTM) P/E ratio 6.76
EV/Sales (TTM) EV/Sales 1.30
P/S ratio (TTM) P/S ratio 0.59
P/B ratio (TTM) P/B ratio 0.90
Revenue growth (TTM) Revenue growth 1.41%
Revenue (TTM) Revenue €20.42m
EBIT (operating result TTM) EBIT €2.76m
EPS (TTM) EPS €1.07
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Financial data from Tonkens Agrar

Income Statement P&L | Balance Sheet | Cash Flow

TTM Annually
Jun '24
20 20
1% 1%
- Direct Costs 14 14
5% 5%
6.45 6.45
21% 21%
- Selling and Administrative Expenses 1.13 1.13
66% 66%
- Research and Development Expense - -
5.32 5.32
14% 14%
- Depreciation and Amortization 2.57 2.57
8% 8%
EBIT (Operating Income) EBIT 2.76 2.76
20% 20%
Net Profit 1.78 1.78
28% 28%

In millions EUR.

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Tonkens Agrar Stock News

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Company Profile

Tonkens Agrar AG engages in agriculture and dairy production. It operates through the following segments: Farming, Milk Production, Storage and Marketing, as well as Energy Production. The Farming segment comprises the cultivation of grain, potatoes, corn, and onions. The Milk Production segment engages in the production and sale of milk. The Storage and Marketing segment focuses on the warehousing and trading of agricultural products. The Energy Production segment deals with energy generation from biogas plants and solar energy. The company was founded by Gerrit Tonkens and Bea Gerda Tonkens on May 19, 2010 and is headquartered in Suelzetal, Germany.

Head office Germany
CEO Gerrit Tonkens
Employees 100
Founded 2010
Website www.tonkens-agrar.de

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