Whenever investors think of potential upside in the stock market, they typically go with the classic “Buy low and sell high” methodology, which brings on the capital gains aspect of a successful investment. The second most common way investors consider upside in a stock is through dividend payouts, which are attractive when an investment is large enough to offset the tax inefficiencies that com...
The June/July, 2024 Fortune Magazine revealed 500 biggest U.S. companies by-revenue and profits. Arnold-research focused on 66 December industry-leaders using YCharts 12/13/24 data for Profits from 63. Those 63 Fortune 500 industry leaders (F500IL) were segmented into 21 business sectors ranging (alphabetically) from aerospace/defense to wholesalers. By yield, MO topped-all F500IL. Top-ten Yiel...
"A Dividend King [is] a stock with 50 or more consecutive years of dividend increases." - suredividend.com. 53 Divided Kings, screened as of December 11, 2024, represented all eleven Morningstar Sectors. Broker-estimated top-ten net gains ranged from 14.79% to 25.23%, topped by SJW and SWK. By yield, MO topped all the Kings. Top-ten yields from ABBV, ADM, SWK, FRT, FTS, BKH, NWN, CDUAF, UVV, an...
CHICAGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--ADM (NYSE: ADM) announced today that its Board of Directors authorized an extension of ADM's share repurchase program. The original 5-year program authorized the purchase of 100,000,000 shares of ADM stock in between Jan. 1, 2015, and Dec. 31, 2019. In 2019, the program was extended through Dec. 31, 2024 and increased to 200,000,000 shares. The program has now been ext...
I love America and invest heavily in it for good reason. This article explores why the U.S. outshines the world economically and strategically for investors. With unmatched innovation, military strength, and natural resources, the U.S. excels. I highlight risks, rewards, and the keys to building a winning portfolio. From defense giants to energy royalty players, I share my favorite stocks to be...
This article is part of our monthly series where we highlight five large-cap, relatively safe, dividend-paying companies offering significant discounts to their historical norms. We go over our filtering process to select just five conservative DGI stocks from more than 7,500 companies that are traded on U.S. exchanges, including OTC networks. In addition to the primary list that yields about 3...
Archer-Daniels-Midland faced a tough 2024 due to accounting difficulties in its Nutrition segment, causing shares to drop 27.61% YTD. Despite the accounting setbacks, ADM's core business in agricultural commodities remains strong, presenting a unique value opportunity for investors at a discounted price. The market's bearish stance on ADM is overdone; effective restructuring and governance refo...
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