L&S, Jun 28, 10:55 pm CET

Goldman Sachs BDC, Inc Share News

13 days ago
Immigration has helped the U.S. job market sustain a fiery run in recent months without reigniting inflation, economists and analysts say. The U.S. economy added a whopping 272,000 jobs in May, but the consumer price index was unchanged.
18 days ago
Jamie Dimon, Jane Fraser and several other major business leaders will attend a private meeting Thursday where Donald Trump is set to speak. Over a dozen others who were invited to the meeting say they are sitting it out.
Seeking Alpha
23 days ago
Goldman Sachs BDC has reported strong earnings, with double-digit growth in net investment income and increased originations year-over-year. The company's first-lien exposure is higher than its peers like Capital Southwest, positioning them well for future economic downturns should they arise. Their balance sheet is also solid with ample liquidity, and a well-covered dividend, making it an attr...
24 days ago
If you play your cards well and have a good head on your shoulders, retiring wealthy should not be a problem for you. Now, many folks are behind on their retirement plans these days due to inflation and their mortgage payments costing a fortune.
Seeking Alpha
27 days ago
Goldman Sachs BDC's share price appears to have stabilized after a sell-off in May, making it an attractive investment for dividend investors. The company's first lien strategy, variable rate exposure and high distribution coverage ratios make it a solid choice in the BDC sector. The lower price-to-NAV ratio and potential revaluation add to the attractiveness of an investment in Goldman Sachs BDC.
about one month ago
Climate-focused venture capital firm Clean Energy Ventures said Wednesday it raised $305 million for its second fund. The fund was oversubscribed amid investor appetite for emissions-reducing technologies.
Seeking Alpha
about one month ago
High-yield stocks have underperformed recently. We discuss why. We also discuss how we have managed to outperform despite the headwinds and how we plan to continue doing so moving forward.
Seeking Alpha
about one month ago
Goldman Sachs BDC has seen a surge in new investment commitments in Q1, leading to higher net investment income. The company comfortably covered its dividend payout and maintained a strong portfolio performance. The low non-accrual ratio, excess dividend coverage, and moderate valuation make Goldman Sachs BDC an attractive option for passive income investors.

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