NYSE, Jun 28, 10:16 pm CET

PagSeguro Digital Share News

Seeking Alpha
26 days ago
PagSeguro's 1Q24 results exceeded market estimates, beating revenue estimates by 6.9% and profit estimates by 9.4%. The company is expanding its low-risk and profitable products while launching new and promising ones. Despite the positive factors, PAGS trades with a P/E discount of more than 9% to its peers.
about one month ago
TPV reached 112 billion BRL (+27% YoY), more than twice the industry's growth and 31 billion BRL in deposits, reinforcing the balance sheet for expansion of receivables anticipation and credit concession. SÃO PAULO, May 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- PagBank (NYSE: PAGS), a complete digital bank in financial services and payments solution and one of the largest digital banks in Brazil, announces its ...
about 2 months ago
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Seeking Alpha
3 months ago
PagSeguro has a disruptive business model focused on SMEs, which has led to systematic growth since 2009. In the macroeconomic scenario, Brazil has a tailwind as it is cutting interest rates. The interest rate cut cycle causes a reduction in financial expenses, due to lower funding cost. The company is trading at a discount compared to its peers, which seems like a great opportunity given the c...
3 months ago
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3 months ago
In general, many people are drawn to small-cap companies that have the potential to soar in value. Discover three such undiscovered money generators here.
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