0.77% yesterday
Madrid, Mar 27, 05:41 pm CET

Banco Santander Stock price

+0.25 4.10% 1M
+1.80 38.60% 6M
+1.99 44.52% YTD
+1.95 43.28% 1Y
+3.37 109.48% 3Y
+4.14 179.01% 5Y
-0.10 1.47% 10Y
Madrid, Closing price Thu, Mar 27 2025
-0.05 0.77%

Key metrics

Market capitalization €98.42b
Enterprise Value €439.27b
P/E (TTM) P/E ratio 7.89
EV/Sales (TTM) EV/Sales 3.26
P/S ratio (TTM) P/S ratio 0.73
P/B ratio (TTM) P/B ratio 1.00
Dividend yield 3.00%
Last dividend (FY24) €0.20
Revenue growth (TTM) Revenue growth 6.53%
Revenue (TTM) Revenue €134.92b
EBIT (operating result TTM) EBIT €18.93b
EPS (TTM) EPS €0.82
P/E forward 7.72
P/S forward 1.58
EV/Sales forward 7.06
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26 Analysts have issued a Banco Santander forecast:

20x Buy
5x Hold
1x Sell

Analyst Opinions

26 Analysts have issued a Banco Santander forecast:


Financial data from Banco Santander

Income Statement P&L | Balance Sheet | Cash Flow

Quarter TTM Annually
Dec '24
134,924 134,924
7% 7%
- Direct Costs - -
- -
- Selling and Administrative Expenses 11,184 11,184
4% 4%
- Research and Development Expense - -
- -
- Depreciation and Amortization 3,294 3,294
3% 3%
EBIT (Operating Income) EBIT 18,933 18,933
18% 18%
Net Profit 12,574 12,574
14% 14%

In millions EUR.

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Banco Santander Stock News

Business Wire
about 5 hours ago
NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- #creditratingagency--KBRA assigns ratings to seven classes of mortgage-backed notes from Santander Mortgage Asset Receivable Trust 2025-NQM1 (SAN 2025-NQM1), a $283.8 million non-prime RMBS transaction. The underlying collateral, comprised of 714 residential mortgages, is characterized by a significant concentration of loans underwritten using alternative income docu...
Seeking Alpha
about 6 hours ago
The Large Cap Value and Ben Graham Formula strategies identify undervalued, stable stocks with strong fundamentals and low valuations, ideal for long-term investment. Analysts project significant gains (28.24% to 85.64%) from top-ten GASV Dogs by March 2026, based on dividend yields and target prices. Thirteen of nineteen "safer" GASV Dogs are recommended buys, offering reliable dividends and f...
about 12 hours ago
The chair of Spain's Santander , Ana Botin, on Thursday urged authorities to let European lenders use capital buffers to support growth and investments in the defence sector amid growing geopolitical risks.
More Banco Santander News

Company Profile

Banco Santander SA is a banking services company, which engages in the provision of banking services to individuals, companies, and institutions. It operates through the following segments: Europe, North America, South America, and Santander Global Platform. The Europe segment comprises business activities carried out in the region. The North America segment includes business activities in Mexico and the United States. The South America segment involves financial activities of the Group through its banks and subsidiary banks in the region. The Santander Global Platform segment deals with global payments services, fully digital bank, and digital assets. The company was founded on March 21, 1857 and is headquartered in Madrid, Spain.

Head office Spain
CEO Héctor Checa
Employees 206,753
Founded 1857
Website www.santander.com

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