0.31% today
NYSE, Mar 13, 09:10 pm CET

Mesa Royalty Trust Stock price

+0.20 3.30% 1M
+0.50 8.67% 6M
+0.36 6.09% YTD
-3.73 37.30% 1Y
-2.72 30.25% 3Y
-0.31 4.71% 5Y
-16.48 72.44% 10Y
NYSE, Closing price Thu, Mar 13 2025
-0.02 0.31%

Key metrics

Market capitalization $11.72m
Enterprise Value $9.84m
P/E (TTM) P/E ratio 21.31
EV/Sales (TTM) EV/Sales 10.14
P/S ratio (TTM) P/S ratio 12.08
P/B ratio (TTM) P/B ratio 3.73
Dividend yield 23.66%
Last dividend (FY23) $1.49
Revenue growth (TTM) Revenue growth -77.10%
Revenue (TTM) Revenue $970.00k
EBIT (operating result TTM) EBIT $651.20k
Cash position $1.88m
EPS (TTM) EPS $0.30
Short interest 0.57%
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Financial data from Mesa Royalty Trust

Income Statement P&L | Balance Sheet | Cash Flow

Quarter TTM Annually
Sep '24
0.97 0.97
77% 77%
- Direct Costs 0.10 0.10
23% 23%
0.87 0.87
79% 79%
- Selling and Administrative Expenses 0.17 0.17
48% 48%
- Research and Development Expense - -
0.70 0.70
81% 81%
- Depreciation and Amortization 0.05 0.05
44% 44%
EBIT (Operating Income) EBIT 0.65 0.65
82% 82%
Net Profit 0.55 0.55
85% 85%

In millions USD.

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Mesa Royalty Trust Stock News

Business Wire
23 days ago
HOUSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Mesa Royalty Trust (the “Trust”) (NYSE: MTR) announced today the Trust income distribution for the month of February 2025. Unitholders of record on February 28, 2025 will receive distributions amounting to $0.002429966 per unit, payable on April 30, 2025. The Trust received $31,717, all of which came from the New Mexico portion of the Trust's San Juan Basin properties ...
Business Wire
about 2 months ago
HOUSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Mesa Royalty Trust (the “Trust”) (NYSE: MTR) announced today the Trust income distribution for the month of January 2025. Unitholders of record on January 31, 2025 will receive distributions amounting to $0.000453223 per unit, payable on April 30, 2025. The Trust received $18,282, all of which came from the New Mexico portion of the Trust's San Juan Basin properties op...
Business Wire
3 months ago
HOUSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Mesa Royalty Trust (the “Trust”) (NYSE symbol-MTR) announced today the Trust income distribution for the month of December 2024. Unitholders of record on December 31, 2024 will receive distributions amounting to $0.022423076 per unit, payable on January 31, 2025. The Trust received $47,632, all of which came from the New Mexico portion of the Trust's San Juan Basin pro...
More Mesa Royalty Trust News

Company Profile

Mesa Royalty Trust holds royalty interests in oil and gas producing properties in the United States. It earns specified interests in certain producing oil and gas properties such as Hugoton Royalty Properties located in Hugoton field of Kansas, San Juan Basin located in San Juan Basin field of New Mexico, and the San Juan Basin in San Juan Basin field of Colorado. The company was founded on November 1, 1979 and is headquartered in Houston, TX.

Head office United States
Founded 1979

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