3.47% today
L&S, Jun 28, 09:24 pm CET

Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. Sponsored ADR Share price

+0.34 3.38% 1M
+1.90 22.35% 6M
+1.79 20.79% YTD
+3.31 46.69% 1Y
+4.90 89.09% 3Y
+5.69 120.81% 5Y
+4.32 71.05% 10Y
NYSE, Closing price Thu, Jun 27 2024

Key figures

Market capitalization $121.56b
Enterprise Value $-21.72b
PER (TTM) P/E ratio 11.97
EV/Sales (TTM) EV/Sales -0.28
P/S ratio (TTM) P/S ratio 1.58
P/B ratio (TTM) P/B ratio 0.94
Dividend yield 2.19%
Last dividend (FY23) $0.23
Sales growth (TTM) Sales growth 19.65%
Turnover (TTM) Turnover $77.06b
EBIT (operating result TTM) EBIT $11.59b
EPS (TTM) EPS $0.87
P/E ratio expected 12.29
P/S ratio expected 3.84
EV/Sales expected negative
Short interest 0.07%
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Analyst opinions

14 Analysts have issued a Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. Sponsored ADR forecast:

11x Buy
3x Hold

Analyst opinions

14 Analysts have issued a Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. Sponsored ADR forecast:


Financial data from Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. Sponsored ADR

Profit and loss account P&L | Balance sheet | Cash flow

Quarter TTM Annually
Mar '24
77,055 77,055
20% 20%
- Direct costs - -
- -
- Selling and administrative expenses 21,774 21,774
32% 32%
- Research and development costs - -
- -
- Depreciation and amortization 2,505 2,505
1% 1%
EBIT (operating result) EBIT 11,588 11,588
136% 136%
Net profit 10,417 10,417
25% 25%

Figures in millions USD.

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Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. Sponsored ADR Share News

Investors Business Daily
2 days ago
Banco BBVA has now made two tests of this key technical level in nearly three weeks.
The Motley Fool
4 days ago
Japan's Financial Services Agency began investigating potential client confidentiality rules violations at Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group earlier this month. On Monday, the FSA found improper conduct at the financial holding company, but announced no penalty.
22 days ago
Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group and Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group are considering selling 1.32 trillion yen ($8.5 billion) worth of strategic shareholdings in Toyota Motor , Bloomberg News reported on Friday, citing sources.
More Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. Sponsored ADR News

Company profile

Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. operates as a holding company, which provides financial services through its subsidiaries. It operates through the following segments: Integrated Retail Banking Business Group, Integrated Corporate Banking Business Group, Integrated Trust Assets Business Group, Integrated Global Business Group, Global Markets and Others. The Integrated Retail Banking Business Group segment manages domestic business that provides retail banking services, which includes commercial and trust banking; securities trading; and retail product development, promotions, and marketing. The Integrated Corporate Banking Business Group segment covers all domestic corporate businesses, including commercial banking, investment banking, trust banking, and securities businesses. The Integrated Trust Assets Business Group segment provides asset management and administration services for pension and security trusts, in addition to consultation services for pension management schemes and payouts. The Integrated Global Business Group segment covers businesses outside of Japan. The Global Markets segment offers assets and liability management, strategic investment, foreign exchange operations and financial products. The Others segment operates corporate centers of related companies. The company was founded on April 2, 2001 and is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan.

Head office Japan
CEO Hironori Kamezawa
Employees 145,412
Founded 2001
Website www.mufg.jp

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