0.88% yesterday
NYSE, Mar 12, 09:10 pm CET

British American Tobacco Stock price

-1.38 3.23% 1M
+2.42 6.21% 6M
+5.04 13.88% YTD
+10.86 35.61% 1Y
+1.82 4.60% 3Y
+7.26 21.29% 5Y
-13.14 24.11% 10Y
NYSE, Closing price Wed, Mar 12 2025
+0.36 0.88%

Key metrics

Market capitalization $90.08b
Enterprise Value $129.52b
P/E (TTM) P/E ratio 24.16
EV/Sales (TTM) EV/Sales 3.92
P/S ratio (TTM) P/S ratio 2.72
P/B ratio (TTM) P/B ratio 1.45
Dividend yield 7.31%
Last dividend (FY25) $3.00
Revenue growth (TTM) Revenue growth -2.51%
Revenue (TTM) Revenue $33.07b
EBIT (operating result TTM) EBIT $4.77b
Free Cash Flow (TTM) Free Cash Flow $10.49b
EPS (TTM) EPS $1.70
P/E forward 9.15
P/S forward 2.73
EV/Sales forward 3.92
Short interest 0.43%
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Financial data from British American Tobacco

Income Statement P&L | Balance Sheet | Cash Flow

TTM Annually
Dec '24
33,068 33,068
3% 3%
- Direct Costs 12,175 12,175
20% 20%
20,893 20,893
12% 12%
- Selling and Administrative Expenses 13,241 13,241
86% 86%
- Research and Development Expense - -
7,652 7,652
54% 54%
- Depreciation and Amortization 2,887 2,887
169% 169%
EBIT (Operating Income) EBIT 4,765 4,765
69% 69%
Net Profit 3,790 3,790
121% 121%

In millions USD.

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British American Tobacco Stock News

Seeking Alpha
about 3 hours ago
High-yield dividend companies with attractive valuations can allow you to generate extra income while reducing portfolio volatility and investing with a margin of safety. This list of high dividend yield companies includes dividend yields [FWD] between 4.33% (Chevron) and 15.50%-plus (Petrobras) while the selected companies offer an average P/E [FWD] ratio of 10.77. I suggest overweighting comp...
The Motley Fool
4 days ago
Altria (MO 1.37%) and British American Tobacco (BTI 1.84%) both have attractively large yields, at 7.4% and 7.7%, respectively. By comparison, the S&P 500 index is only yielding 1.2% while the average consumer staples stock has a yield of roughly 2.7%.
The Motley Fool
5 days ago
British American Tobacco (BTI 1.84%) is one of the world's largest cigarette makers. That places the company in the consumer staples sector, since cigarette smokers tend to keep buying cigarettes no matter what the economic environment looks like.
More British American Tobacco News

Company Profile

British American Tobacco plc is a holding company, which engages in the manufacture and distribution of tobacco products. Its brands include Kent, Dunhill, Lucky Strike, and Pall Mall. It operates through the following geographical segments: United States, Asia-Pacific and Middle East (APME), Americas and Sub-Saharan Africa (AMSSA), and Europe and North Africa (ENA). The APME geographical segment consists of markets in the Middle East merged with Asia-Pacific. The AMSSA geographical segment comprises of markets in East and Central Africa, West Africa, and Southern Africa merged with the Americas region. The ENA geographical segment includes markets in Russia, Ukraine, Caucasus, Central Asia, Belarus, Turkey, and North Africa merged with the Western Europe region. The company was founded by James Buchanan Duke on September 29, 1902 and is headquartered in London, the United Kingdom.

Head office United Kingdom
CEO Tadeu Marroco
Employees 48,989
Founded 1902
Website www.bat.com

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